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Talent Management

Kalu People is our dedicated talent management division. At the core of what we offer our valued clients is African talent. We make it our eternal aim to source, train and deploy the most diversified and trained team of artists from the motherland to casting directors, studios, and production houses. Our talent division is among the busiest around where scouting, training, and casting are commonplace for our internal team.  

Eagle Flying


Since inception almost a decade ago we have to date carried out successful voiceover campaigns for major brands in at least 45 African languages. We source and train voices as a way of life. 


Presenters and influencers have changed how advertising work. We have a growing number of young talented presenters from Kenya, DRC, Nigeria and South Africa. 

Singers and Musos

localizing music for jingles and scores offers us a unique opportunity to work with creatives from all over our continent. Fluid in music and able to interpret it for their home markets. It's a unique service not found in many places. We do it well.  


Browse through our catalogue of Beauty, ramp and commercial models. Just like our voice division, we are consistently scouting for the African diversity within our book of models under our beloved brand Kalu People. 


We are serious about upskilling and training our talent pool. We run 6-week voiceover courses and yet another for acting and another one for models.  All done by experienced renowned coaches.  


Our live performers' division where our teams of full-time actors and actresses belong has been a passion project. Helping us interact with some of the most energetic South African talents. They do it all, act, sing dance, present. The list goes on.



Explore our full offering on our talent website. Or better yet, speak to one of our 

producers about your talent requirement. Where we fail to provide WE SOURCE. 

We know how to troll our resources for difficult to find solutions. 

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